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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: MI-JC-11
Station Name: Jackson 3.2 W
Observation Date: 1/22/2019 6:00 PM
Submitted 1/22/2019 6:02 PM
Notes: Had some flurries early in the afternoon, however by 2pm, it was drizzle, same when I left school. Icy windshields and it was also icy on the car. Had to scrape the windshield. Still was light a light rain or drizzle around 4pm and it is still drizzling now. Sidewalk and driveway are ice covered and slippery, just enough of a coating to make it hard to walk. Fence, birdhouse, tree limbs all have a light coating of ice as does the snow/water tube. Staying home tonight as it is too slippery on the roads tonight. There was 0.5 in the rain/snow gauge when I checked and measured, so enough drizzle/rain has fallen to make it icy out.
Precip Duration Minutes: 240
Gauge Catch: 0.50 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 0.50 in.
Snowfall: 0.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 5.0 in.